Sunday, July 27, 2008

In giving thanks and gratitude

Giving thanks & gratitude has been challenging for me, as I know my life can be much better and that the limitations do NOT have to be. But today, I want to give thanks to this couple on the #3 train for their very frank and thought provoking conversation on people and on life. I was feeling down due to the NYC Writers Circle mess (which led to the organizer removing me from the group… I attempted to correct what I thought the error is as you see on my previous post and that's all I can do) and life in general (NYC Writers Circle was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back). While trying to pull myself together in route to my friend’s house, this couple was conversing with a young lady on train and the conversation was hilarious, on point, and real.

Coincidentally, we all got off the same stop and I said to the wife, "I was feeling down and your conversation cheered me and thank you for that" She gave me a hug saying that she hoped that I feel better. So, much thanks and gratitude goes out her, her husband, and the young lady they were conversing with for being in the moment when I needed it.

In gratitude,


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